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change log 4

added Darkmode button in the main page

made a browser cookie for darkmode

added Cereal Network to the serverlist and added a more info button for it

added Olivcraft to the serverlist

removed eagler reborn from the clients

added creacraft to the serverlist and added a more info button for it 

added a 404 page 

added Endoria to the server list 

added splashes to the 404 page. heres a list of them:

  • You look lost
  • 404 or four o four?
  • WE'RE SSSSSSSORRY. We can't find the page you're looking for. 
  • sorry but the creeper exploded this page!
  • imagine trying different urls for easter eggs... 
  • Hmm... 
  • skill issue 
  • beep boop! are you a robot? 
  • bro really made the 404 page better than the website :skull: 
  • do we really need splashes for the 404 page? 

added more splashes to the main page. heres a list of them:

  • Approved by Ayunami 
  • 1.12 when?